ALFA seeks to improve the profitability, professionalism and community standing of the cattle feedlot industry via representation, strategic levy investment, industry development activities and member assistance.
ALFA’s Strategic Plan is aligned with the broader Meat Industry Strategic Plan (MISP). It has been developed using input from lot feeders, other peak industry councils, levy funded service providers and other relevant stakeholders.
ALFA is responsible for:
Representing and promoting the views of the cattle feedlot industry.
Directing the expenditure of the grain fed cattle transaction levy.
Improving the industry through the development and delivery of standards, training, events, leadership, awards, career development and employment opportunities.
Providing membership services
ALFA is represented on over 50 industry committees covering all areas of the grain fed beef industry including trade, consumer marketing, research and development, animal health and welfare, planning and corporate affairs.
ALFA proudly represents over 90% of Australian cattle feedlots, in terms of number of cattle on feed.
Grain Fed Beef Stats
Over 1 Million
cattle fed in feedlots
NFAS accredited feedlots
Employees are female
50% +
Beef produced in Australia is grain fed
Family owned & operated
$4.9bn +
Industry turnover
68% +
Grain fed cattle have access to shade and growing each year towards the target of 100% by 2026
32,000 +
People employed within the grain fed beef supply chain
$748m +
Australian GDP contribution
ALFA strives to improve the profitability, professionalism and community standing of the feedlot industry.
ALFA has implemented several significant industry initiatives, such as those listed below.
National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme
The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) is the feedlot industry’s quality management system, which underpins the integrity of grain fed beef.
NFAS has elevated the reputation of the Australian feedlot sector by ensuring the production of high-quality grain fed beef that adheres to food safety, animal welfare, and environmental standards. Independently owned and operated by AUS-MEAT, NFAS’s oversight falls under the
Enviro COP
National Beef Cattle Feedlot Environmental Code of Practice & National Guidelines for Beef Cattle Feedlots
ALFA developed the Code of Practice to provide nationally consistent minimum requirements for the establishment and operation of feedlots from an environmental perspective. The Guidelines provide guidance on how the Code of Practice requirements may be achieved.
Careers & Training
eLearning Hub
Launched in October 2021, Feedlot TECH is an online platform that showcases the many career, employment, and professional development opportunities available within the feedlot sector, across all career stages.
The tool provides the Australian feedlot sector, its businesses, and current and prospective employees with a clear career pathway and associated training, professional development and support networks.
Technical Support
& Extending Research​
As a complimentary service to all lot feeders, ALFA, in partnership with MLA, offers a dedicated Technical Services Officer, Jeff House, who delivers the latest technical information, education, training and support to feedlot operators in the field. Each feedlot visited receives a Research Extension Information Pack consisting of ALFA and MLA research and development resources.
Grain Fed Beef
Consumer information website
Since its launch at Beef Australia in 2021, grainfedbeef.com.au has been a platform to highlight the strengths of the grain-fed beef production system and the dedicated individuals shaping this sector. Its aim is to empower the feedlot industry to share its narrative about nourishing cattle, land, and communities.
Awards & Scholarships
Fostering excellence within the feedlot sector is ALFA’s core mission. The Recognition of Excellence Program embodies this commitment, striving to cultivate a skilled and dedicated workforce by acknowledging both business and individual achievements. This initiative oversees a range of industry awards and scholarships, spotlighting excellence, and fostering ongoing growth and advancement.